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    "Wu, C"的相关文件  


    显示 39 项.

    类别 日期 题名 關聯 档案
    [吳嘉文] 期刊論文 2024-10-15 Monacolin-K loaded MIL-100(Fe) metal-organic framework induces ferroptosis on metastatic triple-negative breast cancer -
    [吳其炘] 期刊論文 2022-02-01 Principle-based approach for the de-identification of code-mixed electronic health records -
    [黃柏菁] 期刊論文 2021-08-24 Positive association between endothelium–platelet microparticles and urinary concentration of lead and cadmium in adolescents and young adults -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2020-12-29 Sub-multiplicative interaction between polygenic risk score and household coal use in relation to lung adenocarcinoma among never-smoking women in Asia -
    [黃柏菁] 期刊論文 2020-11 Urinary heavy metals, DNA methylation, and subclinical atherosclerosis -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2020-03 Tuberculosis infection and lung adenocarcinoma: Mendelian randomization and pathway analysis of genome-wide association study data from never-smoking Asian women -
    [黃柏菁] 期刊論文 2020-01 Association between urine lead levels and cardiovascular disease risk factors, carotid intima-media thickness and metabolic syndrome in adolescents and young adults -
    [蔡慧如] 會議論文/會議摘要 2019-08 Prenatal exposure to PM10 levels and development of childhood eczema -
    [蔡慧如] 會議論文/會議摘要 2019-08 Association between prenatal exposure to PM2.5 and atopic eczema in Asian school-age children -
    [陳信偉] 會議論文/會議摘要 2018-10 Efficient uptake of recombinant lipidated survivin by antigen-presenting cells initiates antigen cross-presentation and antitumor immunity -
    [其他] 期刊論文 2017-12 Nuclear magnetic resonance- and mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to study maleic acid toxicity from repeated dose exposure in rats -
    [其他] 期刊論文 2017-10-26 Elevation in and persistence of multiple urinary biomarkers indicative of oxidative DNA stress and inflammation: Toxicological implications of maleic acid consumption using a rat model -
    [莊紹源] 會議論文/會議摘要 2017-09 Rate of morning blood pressure surge is a better predictor than amplitude for 20-year all-cause and cardiovascular mortalities: Results of a community-based study -
    [王昀] 期刊論文 2017-04 A novel CXCR4 antagonist CX549 induces neuroprotection in stroke brain -
    [其他] 期刊論文 2016-12 Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of oral single-dose maleic acid in biofluids of Sprague-Dawley rats -
    [其他] 期刊論文 2016-08-01 Concurrent quantification of multiple biomarkers indicative of oxidative stress status using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry -
    [余幸司] 會議論文/會議摘要 2016-05 Ultraviolet B (UVB) induces development of early melanocytic progenitors via increased oxidative stress in vitro - Implications for use of oral antioxidants in UVB phototherapy for vitiligo treatment -
    [張憶壽] 期刊論文 2016-01-04 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking Asian women -
    [許佳賢] 期刊論文 2015-12 Towards an endpoint cell motility assay by a microfluidic platform -
    [熊昭] 會議論文/會議摘要 2015-08 Genetic variants associated with longer telomere length are associated with increased lung cancer risk among never-smoking women in Asia: A report from the Female Lung Cancer Consortium in Asia -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2015-07 Genetic variants associated with longer telomere length are associated with increased lung cancer risk among never-smoking women in Asia: A report from the female lung cancer consortium in Asia -
    [吳焜裕(2001-2008)] 期刊論文 2015-05 Determination of the maleic acid in rat urine and serum samples by isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with on-line solid phase extraction -
    [張憶壽] 期刊論文 2015-03-05 Characterization of large structural genetic mosaicism in human autosomes -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2015-03 Interactions between household air pollution and GWAS-identified lung cancer susceptibility markers in the Female Lung Cancer Consortium in Asia (FLCCA) -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2014-10 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in East Asian-ancestry populations identifies four new loci for body mass index -
    [林肇堂] 期刊論文 2014-07 Association of nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy with reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B-a nationwide cohort study -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2012-11 Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in Asia -
    [張憶壽] 期刊論文 2012-07 Genetic variant in TP63 on locus 3q28 is associated with risk of lung adenocarcinoma among never-smoking females in Asia -
    [劉士任] 期刊論文 2012-02 Liposome-based polymer complex as a novel adjuvant: enhancement of specific antibody production and isotype switch -
    [熊昭] 會議論文/會議摘要 2011-11 Correlates of estimated thigh muscle index with physical performance in ambulatory geriatric patients -
    [常慧如] 會議論文/會議摘要 2011-09-24 Radiation sensitization of tumour cells induced by Shear Stress-Roles of Integrin Beta-1 and FAK -
    [熊昭] 期刊論文 2010-08 The 5p15.33 locus is associated with risk of lung adenocarcinoma in never-smoking females in Asia -
    [郭耿南(2003-2010)] 期刊論文 2009-11 Early helicobacter pylori eradication decreases risk of gastric cancer in patients with peptic ulcer disease -
    [郭耿南(2003-2010)] 期刊論文 2009-04 A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study Shows Reduced Hospitalization for Peptic Ulcer Disease Associated With H pylori Eradication and Proton Pump Inhibitor Use -
    [吳成文(1996-2008)] 期刊論文 2008-01-17 Epigenetic regulation of EpCAM in tumor invasion and metastasis -
    [吳焜裕(2001-2008)] 會議論文/會議摘要 2007-09 Active smoking, secondhand smoke and chronic bronchitis in Taiwanese women: A community-based study -
    [黃智興] 期刊論文 2004-11 Elevated level of spindle checkprotein MAD2 correlates with cellular mitotic arrest, but not with aneuploidy and clinicopathological characteristics in gastric cancer -
    [黃煥常(2000-2008)] 期刊論文 2004-07 Statistical characteristics of mechanical heart valve cavitation in accelerated testing -
    [陳立宗] 會議論文/會議摘要 2001-11 Use of thalidomide in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): With emphasis on using power Doppler sonography to evaluate the vascularity of the tumor and its correlation with tumor response -

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