The promulgation of the joint WHO-FAO Cyprus Declaration in 1995, established the principles and procedures for countries to develop their customised Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs). One of the earliest acculturations of the FBDGs was undertaken by WHO for the Western Pacific region. This process has been continued for the Southeast Asian region, where revisions have now been made to reflect its changing health patterns and food systems. The greatest challenge to FBDG revision is how climate change is and will affect food supply and health. The world has become more populous, the risks to food insecurity have escalated with growing inequity, conflict and mass migration are rife, trading arrangements have become fragile, and climate change is proceeding apace. The future depends on sustainable ecosystems, the food and water they provide and us as ecological beings.
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. 2017 Sep;22(Suppl.):3-5.