Endotoxicity originating from a dangerous debris (i.e., lipopolysaccharide, LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria is a challenging clinical problem, but no drugs or therapeutic strategies that can successfully address this issue have been identified yet. In this study, we report a subnanometer gold cluster that can efficiently block endotoxin activity to protect against sepsis. The endotoxin blocker consists of a gold nanocluster that serves as a flakelike substrate and a coating of short alkyl motifs that act as an adhesive to dock with LPS by compacting the intramolecular hydrocarbon chain-chain distance ( d-spacing) of lipid A, an endotoxicity active site that can cause overwhelming cytokine induction resulting in sepsis progression. Direct evidence showed the d-spacing values of lipid A to be decreased from 4.19 A to either 3.85 or 3.54 A, indicating more dense packing densities in the presence of subnanometer gold clusters. In terms of biological relevance, the concentrations of key pro-inflammatory NF-kappaB-dependent cytokines, including plasma TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1beta, and CXC chemokines, in LPS-challenged mice showed a noticeable decrease. More importantly, we demonstrated that the treatment of antiendotoxin gold nanoclusters significantly prolonged the survival time in LPS-induced septic mice. The ultrasmall gold nanoclusters could target lipid A of LPS to deactivate endotoxicity by compacting its packing density, which might constitute a potential therapeutic strategy for the early prevention of sepsis caused by Gram-negative bacterial infection.