To the Editor: Thanks for the letter of Dr. Tsuda, in which insightful comments relating to our article “Carotid Flow Velocities and Blood Pressures Are Independently Associated With Cognitive Function”1 on the relations of endothelial function with levels of peak systolic velocities of carotid artery and MMSE score are provided. Unfortunately, measures of endothelial function have not been made available for our study at present. However, the opinions of Dr. Tsuda are appreciated that the endothelial function could associate with carotid flow velocities and cognitive function. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has ever investigated the interrelationships among carotid hemodynamics, endothelial function, and cognitive function. Endothelial dysfunction, a well-established...
American Journal of Hypertension. 2019 Jun;32(6):e9.