Introduction: Current diagnosis for substance use disorder is primarily using sensitive chromatographic system to measure the blood levels of substances, such as ketamine, mephedrone. As many substances use disorder (SUD) patients use more than one substance, the current measure methods may sometimes overlook all substances. Methods: In our previous studies, several plasma protein indicators have shown a potential for assistance in consequences for substance use disorder patients. These indicators have been reported with different levels of elevation in heroin [1], ketamine [2], and alcohol dependent [3] patients. These indicators may also lead to understanding the severity of tissue damages or progress of addictions. Results: At least three plasma protein indicators within our studies showed potential for assistance in monitoring the progress of addictions as follows: Nectin-4 which may indicate continued use of ketamine or opioids; the C-C motif chemokine ligand 11 (CCL11) is an indicator of the inflammatory chronic stress including the brain; and the neurofilament light chain may indicate neuronal toxicity after chronic substance use. Conclusions: Patient-centered care is essential for substance use disorder patients. Until now, there has not been focused on these peripheral blood plasma indicators and their applications for these patients. Because the high correlations between the plasma protein indicators and the substances patients continue using, we proposed to apply the objective indictors to assist monitoring the progress of substance use disorder patients.
British Journal of Pharmacology. 2023 Jul;180(Suppl. 1):273-273.