目前市售的攜帶小型空氣清淨機大多依靠負離子來達到淨化空氣之效果。然而現今規範上並無明確小型機種之檢測標準,使得市售機台實際效果未知。本案開發理念為以攜帶小型空氣清淨機為出發點,參考中大型空氣清淨機的概念,額外安裝風扇、可更換式濾材、即時空氣品質監測系統等,開發出新型多功能空氣清淨機。Most of the portable small air purifiers currently available in the market only rely on negative ions to achieve the effect of purifying the air. However, there is no test standard for small size of air purifiers in the current regulations, making the actual effect of commercial small size of air purifiers unknown. Therefore, this project's new development concept is to carry a small air purifier as the basic and refer to the concept of medium and large air purifiers, and install additional fans, replaceable filter materials, real-time air quality monitoring systems, etc., to develop a new multi-functional air purifier.