2011-11 |
The association between adult asthma and superoxide dismutase and catalase gene activity |
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 2011 Nov;156(4):373-380. |
2011-01 |
Role of gender disparity of circulating high-sensitivity C-reactive protein concentrations and obesity on asthma in Taiwan |
Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2011 Jan;41(1):72-77. |
2011-01 |
Effects of PGI2 analogues on Th1- and Th2-related chemokines in monocytes via epigenetic regulation |
Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2011 Jan;89(1):29-41. |
2010-12 |
Risks of exposure to occupational asthmogens in atopic and nonatopic asthma:A case-control study in Taiwan |
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010 Dec;182(11):1369-1376. |
2010-11 |
The effects of NOS1 gene on asthma and total IgE levels in Taiwanese children, and the interactions with environmental factors |
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. 2010 Nov;21(7):1064-1071. |
2010-09 |
Asthma and suicide mortality in young people: A 12-year follow-up study |
American Journal of Psychiatry. 2010 Sep;167(9):1092-1099. |
2010-07 |
Quantification of blood betel quid alkaloids and urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in humans and their association with betel chewing habits |
Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 2010 Jul-Aug;34(6):325-331. |
2010-06-15 |
A characterization of the antioxidant enzyme activity and reproductive toxicity in male rats following sub-chronic exposure to areca nut extracts |
Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010 Jun 15;178(1-3):541-546. |
2010-06-15 |
Effects of arecoline on adipogenesis, lipolysis, and glucose uptake of adipocytes-A possible role of betel-quid chewing in metabolic syndrome |
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2010 Jun;245(3):370-377. |
2010-06 |
Didymin, a dietary flavonoid glycoside from citrus fruits, induces Fas-mediated apoptotic pathway in human non-small-cell lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo |
Lung Cancer. 2010 Jun;68(3):366-374. |
2010-06 |
The SLC22A12 gene is associated with gout in Han Chinese and Solomon Islanders |
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2010 Jun;69(6):1252-1254. |
2010-05 |
Adiponectin gene SNP276 variants and central obesity confer risks for hyperglycemia in indigenous Taiwanese |
Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010 May;26(5):227-236. |
2010-05 |
Associations of a non-synonymous variant in SLC2A9 with gouty arthritis and uric acid levels in Han Chinese subjects and Solomon Islanders |
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2010 May;69(5):887-890. |
2010-04 |
Phospholipase D signaling pathway is involved in lung cancer-derived IL-8 increased osteoclastogenesis |
Carcinogenesis. 2010 Apr;31(4):587-596. |
2010-02 |
Monoamine oxidase A gene polymorphisms and enzyme activity associated with risk of gout in Taiwan aborigines |
Human Genetics. 2010 Feb;127(2):223-229. |
2010-02 |
4 beta-hydroxywithanolide E from physalis peruviana (golden berry) inhibits growth of human lung cancer cells through DNA damage, apoptosis and G(2)/M arrest |
BMC Cancer. 2010 Feb;10(46):Article Number 46. |
2009-11 |
Prevalence of adult atopic dermatitis among nursing staff in a Taiwanese medical center: a pilot study on validation of diagnostic questionnaires |
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2009 Nov;61(5):806-812. |
2009-11 |
Life-threatening cardiac toxicity after chewing inverted nut (Pinang-Wang) |
Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2009 Nov;54(5):757-758. |
2009-10-28 |
6-shogaol, an active constituent of dietary ginger, induces autophagy by inhibiting the AKT/mTOR pathway in human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells |
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009 Oct 28;57(20):9809-9816. |
2009-05 |
Extreme BMI predicts higher asthma prevalence and is associated with lung function impairment in school-aged children |
Pediatric Pulmonology. 2009 May;44(5):472-479. |
2009-02 |
Consumption of cigarettes but not betel quid or alcohol increases colorectal cancer risk |
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2009 Feb;108(2):155-163. |
2008-11-07 |
Important prognostic factors for the long-term survival of lung cancer subjects in Taiwan |
BMC Cancer. 2008 Nov 7;8:Article number 324. |
2008-10-15 |
Up-regulation of inflammatory signalings by areca nut extract and role of Cyclooxygenase-2-1195G A polymorphism reveal risk of oral cancer |
Cancer Research. 2008 Oct 15;68(20):8489-8498. |
2008-06 |
Relationship between insulin sensitivity and exposure to dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls in pregnant women |
Environmental Research. 2008 Jun;107(2):245-253. |
2008-05-01 |
The effect of maternal betel quid exposure during pregnancy on adverse birth outcomes among aborigines in Taiwan |
Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2008 May;95(1-2):134-139. |
2008-04-27 |
Prevalence and determinants of biochemical dysfunction of the liver in Atayal Aboriginal community of Taiwan: Is betel nut chewing a risk factor? |
BMC Gastroenterology. 2008 Apr;8: Article number 13. |
2008-04 |
The -1131T C polymorphism in the apolipoprotein A5 gene is related to hypertriglyceridemia in Taiwanese aborigines |
Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2008 Apr;24(4):171-178. |
2007-11 |
Characterization of arecoline-induced effects on cytotoxicity in normal human gingival fibroblasts by global gene expression profiling |
Toxicological Sciences. 2007 Nov;100(1):66-74. |
2007-11 |
UCP2 A55V variant is associated with obesity and related phenotypes in an aboriginal community in Taiwan |
International Journal of Obesity. 2007 Nov;31(11):1746-1752. |
2007-10-01 |
Differential effect of arecoline on the endogenous dioxin-responsive cytochrome P450 1A1 and on a stably transfected dioxin-responsive element-driven reporter in human hepatoma cells |
Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2007 Oct;149(1):234-237. |
2007-10 |
The polymorphisms of Eotaxin 1 and CCR3 genes influence on serum IgE, Eotaxin levels and mild asthmatic children in Taiwan |
Allergy. 2007 Oct;62(10):1125-1130. |
2007-10 |
Ethnic differences in the occurrence of oropharyngeal cancer in Taiwan |
Public Health. 2007 Oct;121(10):765-773. |
2007-09 |
Prevalence and associated factors of betel quid use in the Solomon islands: A hyperendemic area for oral and pharyngeal cancer |
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2007 Sep;77(3):586-590. |
2007-08 |
Survey of urinary nickel in residents of areas with a high density of electroplating factories [Erratum:Chemosphere. 2006 Dec;65(10):1723-1730.] |
Chemosphere. 2007 Aug;69(1):176. |
2007-07-19 |
Arecoline inhibits the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-induced cytochrome P450 1A1 activation in human hepatoma cells |
Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2007 Jul;146(1-2):356-361. |
2007-06-15 |
Prognostic factors associated with the survival of oral and pharyngeal carcinoma in Taiwan |
BMC Cancer. 2007 Jun;7:Article number 101. |
2007-04 |
Malignancies after renal transplantation in southern Taiwan: experience in one centre |
BJU International. 2007 Apr;99(4):825-829. |
2007-04 |
Identification of a new single-nucleotide mutation on the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene from 983 cases with gout in Taiwan |
Journal of Rheumatology. 2007 Apr;34(4):794-797. |
2007-04 |
Important prognostic factors for the long-term survival of subjects with primary liver cancer in Taiwan: A hyperendemic area |
European Journal of Cancer. 2007 Apr;43(6):1076-1084. |
2007-03-15 |
Increased liver and lupus mortalities in 24-year follow-up of the Taiwanese people highly exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls and dibenzofurans |
Science of the Total Environment. 2007 Mar;374(2-3):216-222. |
2006-12 |
Survey of urinary nickel in residents of areas with a high density of electroplating factories |
Chemosphere. 2006 Dec;65(10):1723-1730. |
2006-11-03 |
Predictors of betel quid chewing behavior and cessation patterns in Taiwan aborigines |
BMC Public Health. 2006 Nov;6:Article number 271. |
2006-09 |
Association of interferon-gamma and interferon regulatory factor 1 polymorphisms with asthma in a family-based association study in Taiwan |
Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2006 Sep;36(9):1147-1152. |
2006-08 |
Effect of SstI polymorphism of the apolipoprotein CIII gene and environmental factors on risks of hypertriglyceridemia in Taiwan aborigines |
Circulation Journal. 2006 Aug;70(8):1030-1036. |
2006-06-01 |
Ingredients contribute to variation in production of reactive oxygen species by areca quid |
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A: Current Issues. 2006 Jun;69(11):1055-1069. |
2006-04 |
The synergistic effects of the IL-9 gene and environmental exposures on asthmatic Taiwanese families as determined by the transmission/disequilibrium test |
International Journal of Immunogenetics. 2006 Apr;33(2):105-110. |
2006-04 |
Interaction between cigarette, alcohol and betel nut use on esophageal cancer risk in Taiwan |
European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2006 Apr;36(4):236-241. |
2006-02 |
G-2548A polymorphism of the leptin gene is correlated with extreme obesity in Taiwanese aborigines |
Obesity. 2006 Feb;14(2):183-187. |
2005-12-10 |
Different impact from betel quid, alcohol and cigarette: Risk factors for pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer |
International Journal of Cancer. 2005 Dec;117(5):831-836. |
2005-11 |
Association between cigarette smoking and hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity |
Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2005 Nov;21(11):495-501. |